2. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)
4. Feminist women are more likely than other females to be in a romantic relationship.
10 Amazing Facts about Love |
Love is a light of your life. Everyone know that love increases our live's quality. If still there are some people who don't believe this, we have found some funny scientific love facts to prove this theory:) 1. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!). photo by Caro Wallis 2. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 3. One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others. photo by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ 4. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover’s memory.